Override Academic Requirements in Workday: Course Substitution
This article will walk a user through using the Course Substitution Academic Override in Workday.
Academic Requirements Override
There are six types of Academic Requirement Overrides, all of which may be initiated by any of a student’s advisors.
Assign Course to Requirement: The most commonly used of the overrides. Allows a course (already In-Progress or Completed) to be added and applied towards the requirement.
Add Course: Allows a new course to be applied towards the academic requirement. Best used for courses a student has not yet enrolled in.
Adjust Units: Allows the number of units on an academic requirement to be changed for a student.
Adjust Course Count: Allows the number of courses needed to fulfill an academic requirement to be changed.
Course Substitution: Allows a specific course to be removed from an academic requirement and replaced with a different course. Additionally, this allows a specific course to be removed without a replacement.
Waive Requirement: Allows the student to no longer need the entire academic requirement.
How to Apply an Academic Requirement Override in Workday
Course Substitution
Allows a specific course to be removed from an academic requirement and either be replaced with a different course or removed without a replacement.
Quick Search: Override Academic Requirement for Student
Step 1: From the Workday homepage, enter Student’s Name in the search bar.
Step 2: Select student’s Academics tab, then select Academic Progress.
Step 3: Scroll down to the student’s Academic Requirements and select Related Actions icon next to the academic requirement you are modifying.
Step 4: Select Academic Requirement located in the Actions section, then select Create Override.
Step 5: On the Override Academic Requirement for Student page, select Substitute Course, then select OK.
Step 6: Select course to be removed from the Required Course dropdown menu. There are two types of overrides that can be applied here (detailed in the following steps). Once the choices have been selected, select Submit.
Step 7a: Alternate Course Set allows you to choose a substitute course to add to the requirement, replacing the original course. Courses can be searched by Course Subject or Courses with Valid Registrations for Override.
Step 7b: Not Required allows you to remove the course from the requirement with no replacement.
Step 8: Click on the Process tab for the next steps in the process (in this example, the request routes to the student’s Faculty Advisor).
Step 9: In the Faculty Advisor’s Inbox, the request can be reviewed, then select Approve.
Step 10: Click on the Process tab for the final step in the process (in this example, the request routes to the Academic Advising Manager).
Step 11: Academic Advising Manager reviews the request and selects Approve. The process is now complete.
Step 12: The override now appears on the student’s Academic Progress tab as “Override Assigned”.
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