This article provides best practices and FAQ’s regarding student privacy using Zoom in courses and was completed in collaboration with the Division of IT and WebCampus.
When recording class sessions or meetings in Zoom we recommend you follow these best practices listed below to protect student privacy.
If you plan to share a recording for educational use beyond your course, ensure student video is not visible on screen, students' mics are muted, and the chat is hidden to protect student privacy.
Include language in your syllabus about the purpose of Zoom recordings and the protection of student information. An example that can be used:
"Our class sessions will all be recorded for use by enrolled students, including those who are unable to attend live. Students who participate with their camera enabled or utilize a profile image are consenting to have their video or image recorded. If a student is unwilling to consent to have their profile or video image recorded, they should keep their camera off and not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are consenting to have their voices recorded. If a student is not willing to consent to having their voice recorded during class, they will need to keep their mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live. If a student decides to record any course content on their own, they may not disseminate it to any third party. If they do provide the content to a third party, they may be subject to academic discipline that could include expulsion.”
Can I record my class meetings conducted on Zoom?
Yes, you can record your class meetings conducted on Zoom; we recommend you follow the best practices listed above when recording.
How do I provide notice and secure consent when recording my class meeting?
Tell students that you will be recording. By default, Zoom notifies meeting participants that a meeting is being recorded, but it is best to have an acknowledgment from you. Here is an example that can be used at the start of the session:
“This class session is being recorded. By joining today’s class session, you consent to being recorded.”
Are my recordings subject to privacy laws and policies?
If you are concerned about student privacy related to FERPA, please consult the Stevens Official FERPA Policy.
Can I require students to participate by keeping their camera on?
While we encourage all students to participate via audio/video to support best pedagogical practices, if a student has privacy concerns allow them to turn off their camera and microphone using Stop Video and Mute in Zoom and participate via Chat if they prefer.
If you have any questions regarding best practices with recording your lectures via Zoom, please reach out to for help.
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